Friday, October 8, 2010


Yesterday I spent over 2 hours steam cleaning our carpet and rugs. Before you get impressed and think I keep a clean home you need to know it's ONLY because we're having some friends over. We are the dirty family. I've learned to accept that fact. If we were the clean family with three kids I would probably need to be locked up for neglect or child slave labor. I guess some of you with three kids maintain a healthy family unit AND keep a clean home but I just don't know how. Maybe you could give me some pointers. I really want to be a clean freak. A few months ago I had this really impressive streak of like 4 days IN A ROW that I intentionally tried to keep the house and even the van clean. The fourth day the whole family was riding along in the almost clean Astro van. I was so proud of myself I asked Der, "I know we have three kids and that may change your answer to this question but; do you think I'm a neat person or messy person?". He busted out laughing before he could even say one word; like it was a joke or something.... Dangit!!! Or as my daughter would say Bingit! It's kind of like wishing I could be a really stunning brunette and after dying my hair thinking, "it's just not me...but I wish it was.... I'm not an organized clean person.

Back to the carpet cleaning; as I was steaming one of our rugs the SMELL almost knock me down. It was the stinch of dirty wet dog, by the way we don't have a dog...../ urine/ vomit/ smorgasbord of rotten kids snacks/ ??????. I couldn't believe how disgusting it was. The most shocking thing was that to look at the rug it didn't even appear to be dirty. It didn't stink when I vacuumed it... As I was dumping the black water out of the bladder of the steam cleaner I considered just throwing the rug away. I filled it with clean water and began to go back over the rug one more time when I heard my Alter-Ego say,

"That rug and that black water is like your sin,"

'Not now, please leave me alone.', I thought to myself.

Out of curiosity I humbled myself enough to ponder the statement. The more I cleaned the rug the more I realized how filthy it was to begin with. Thank you Jesus for making us clean.

Let's go for a run!


  1. Lol!!!! I Love and appreciate your honesty. You really crack me up! God doesn't care if your house is clean. You love and care for your little people and that is what matters!

  2. awesome! Thanks Angie. :)
