Friday, September 17, 2010

Laura Ingalls

I've been sporting the French braid when I run, Derrick has been calling me Laura Ingalls, the girl from "Little House on the Prairie". Hey, when I was little both my sister and I wanted to wear a bonnet and apron and run down a hill of tall grass until we fell down.

I've figured out what to do with my mane for the long runs but still have a lot of questions. I'm still a very immature amateur when it come to running. Although I'm having a hard time believing anyone but my Mom is reading this stuff I am hoping to get some good advice from more experienced runners.

What am I supposed to eat morning of the race? I have a feeling I've been eating way too much before my long runs and then cramping up because of it.

Is there anything I can do to prevent cramping?

What about meds? I know some people take meds when they get up around mile 18 to finish strong. Is this a good idea or bad?

What am I supposed to wear? Thanks to Johns Run Walk Shop I realized that I've been wearing the wrong running shoe for about 5 years now. After having both feet measured 6 or 7 times each the baffled sales clerk said,

"Your right foot is a 8 1/2 and your left foot is a 9".

Not only am I an immature amateur, I'm a freak of nature. I like to blame my fraternal twin feet on pregnancy hormones. I finally figured out what kind of socks to wear. What kind of clothes should I wear? I know to avoid cotton. Can anyone help me? Mom......, what do you think?

Let's go for a run!


  1. i think i love laura ingalls but love you much more! :) u know what i always do! google everything or look it up in the library where i work. how did you know anonymous was me ??? just saying.........i didn't know any other way to post a comment!

  2. Ang, I have absolutely no advice for you but wanted you to know that I'm reading too! Your mom's not the only one :)

  3. I love reading your blog...I have no idea. I always hear bananas and carb up. You are doing awesome my friend.

  4. I'm reading too! :) But, I have no running advice... - Sarah Minnis
